Fragile flowers grow betwixt the cracks of an old cobblestone path leading to ATHEOS, a library long forgotton. Plants once plotted burgeoned into overgrown shrubbery and giant trees invading the bibliotheca, sprawling vines adjorning aging paintings and damaged shelves. The silent library reclaimed by nature appears frozen in time, sunlight twinkling down a hole in the broken roof past large dust particles onto the head of the statue of MIKAELA.

Atheos is the library of Mikaela, documenting the life and thoughts of its creator and their Book of Shadows. Spreading into infinity are walls adorned by paintings and innumerable shelves filled to the brim with journals of varying subjects written by Mika alongside their Book of Shadows, an extensive collection of tomes on witchcraft. Abundant types of media can be found scattered about the library such as CDs, cassettes, novels, and consoles all enjoyed and reviewed by Mikaela.

In front of the statue of Mika sits two books on a podium. The leftmost is a guestbook where visitors may write their names and communicate with each other, and the rightmost a book containing information about Mika. According to legend, any questions or concerns written on the pages of the leftmost book may be answered by Mika themselves.

A plaque near the front of the library states the following:


25 February 2023 - Refashioned some things 24 September 2022 - Worked on elements chapter of the Book of Shadows
17 September 2022 - Worked on elements chapter of the Book of Shadows, edited a journal entry.
15 September 2022 - Edited a media entry, edited about me page, edited a journal entry, added elements chapter to the Book of Shadows.
13 September 2022 - Created media entry, removed chatbox, edited about about me page.
1 September 2022 - Created Journal Entry.
28 July 2022 - Created chatbox. Added introduction and herb and salt entries to the Book of Shadows. Added music to website. Slight changes to some other pages.
26 July 2022 - Shifted goals and direction of the website. Added media page and edited home page to reflect this change. Slight changes to some other pages. Added journal entry.
19 July 2022 - Revitalized project, changed a lot about the website and its content. Removed art gallery, anime, book club, and music pages. Combined the QnA and guestbook pages. Created the Book of Shadows page. Created guestbook. Edited the homepage and about me section. Edited the navigation of the site.
21 April 2022 - Continued about me page and edited the art gallery, anime, book club, music, QnA, and guestbooks pages.
19 April 2022 - Continued about me page.
17 April 2022 - Continued construction of website's foundation by adding a gif background to the homepage, description to journal page, and dropdown menus .
14 April 2022 - Continued construction of website's foundation, furthered development of home and about me pages, created journal, art gallery, anime, book club, music, QnA, and guestbook pages.
13 April 2022 - Began building the foundation of the website, creating and working on starter, home and about me pages.


Please note that the library contains discussion on serious topics such as mental illness, most in the journal and media sections. Trigger and content warnings will not be given before entries, this is your only warning.